Christmas in Palermo

Christmas in Palermo
Even though the government has imposed restrictions on us, there is a Christmas air on the street. Candies, hugs and thoughts for the people we love most.

The decorations, the trees, the lights and the artisans’ market give a feeling of celebration that is a pleasure to take with you and that reminds us that fortunately everything is changing. The staircase of the Teatro Massimo is tinged with the red flowers of the poinsettias, the Quattro Canti shine with an imposing tree and all the streets are colored with lights, enriching our already abundant architectural heritage with immense beauty.
Fortunately, the sun also accompanies us and the days are more beautiful !!! We look forward to the usual bath in Mondello, for the bravest, complete with a Santa Claus hat!

People travel and still want to spend these holidays with the people they love the most! Many of our friends around the world are reaching us and the others are keeping us close by sending postcards or letters of good wishes. We feel loved and full of good intentions!

How to describe Christmas in Palermo?

For many of us it has been and will be card games at large family tables. The game of “cucù” (sicilian cards) with the dead or without dead has brought together and divide entire families for generations! It is also taking sides between those who love panettone and those who love pandoro, raisin fans against those of nutella and pistachio creams.

It is going to the children’s Christmas plays and listening to traditional songs or the parades of the bands in neighboring villages.

A Palermitan on Christmas Eve usually eats fish, sometimes sfincione and most likely will continue to eat everything in the following days until he pronounces the fateful sentence: “Now that’s enough, I’ll go on a diet after the holidays!” …. But obviously no one will believe him. While playing he eats the “semenza” of sunflower seeds, pumpkin, pistachios and peanuts, then the sweets, the bitter and the next day … we start again!

Now that you have seen, heard and smelled the Christmas atmosphere in Palermo we would like to know what the air is like in your home … How is Christmas in your city?