The art of seducing

The Sicilian man is said to be a unique seducer, for the gestures, movements, look, charisma, and tone of his voice … the Americans in particular, love the Sicilians. Since I lived in a bed and breakfast for 12 years I can tell you that I have received flowers, freshly baked pistachio croissants, love letters etc… I could also say that someone succeeded in breaking in to the hearts of some of “my turists” 😊 I owe to Gaetano Basile the most beautiful quote on our DNA. In the book “Palermo is” says: In the DNA of a Palermo’s man there is enough Arabic to make it a fiery lover and Spanish to make it an imaginative poet; smart as a Greek, specious as a Byzantine, thief like a Norman, but always seductive as a Sicilian. Ahhaha so women of this world come and visit us !!! Humor is the key to success! Love for everybody 😊